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Wisconsin pest control association

Your One Stop Shop for Pest Management Information

Membership Benefits

Membership in WPCA offers a great deal in return for a fair price. Get an overview of our member benefits here. Specific benefits include:

  • Regular educational opportunities such as WPCA’s Spring Training conference each February. This conference for PCOs throughout the Midwest includes industry leaders, regulatory updates from WDATCP, and the latest in entomological research and best practices from university faculty throughout the U.S. In addition, exhibitors are on hand to showcase their newest products and services to help you better serve your customers and grow your business.
  • Quarterly editions of The Pest Dispatch newsletter, the official WPCA publication. The Pest Dispatch is one of the finest state association newsletters in existence, and has been published for more than a decade.
  • WPCA membership also includes membership in the National Pest Management Association, which offers added benefits:
    • Discounted gasoline, and group insurance programs
    • The Pest Gazette consumer newsletter
    • Discounted training materials at The Bug Store
    • Specialty meetings and regional conferences
    • Human resources telephone consultations
    • A special toll-free hotline to give you practical solutions to urgent technical and industry operational issues.

NOTE: Pest control companies must first be members of the National Pest Management Association and will then be  automatically added as WPCA members. To join, visit the NPMA website or print and mail an application form. All other professionals can join using the form below.

Allied members are individuals, companies, and organizations that manufacture or supply products, equipment, or services to the pest control industry. Our allied members can take advantage of discounted rates to exhibit at our annual conference as well as the opportunity to submit newsletter articles for publication and new product information to our members.

If you are already an NPMA member and are not listed as a WPCA member, please let us know.

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PO Box 26161
Milwaukee, WI 53226

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